Recently I subbed Amazon’s in-house training video. When you accept any and all translation jobs that come your way, no matter the genre or excessive researching responsibilities, sometimes you meet astounding people and things.

However, the “Wonderful!” moments do not stay as specialized knowledge. Those moments come one after another, making me forget the previous excitement, and forget what I was doing previously. Even when I translated the “Fourier series” and its correspondences, I hoped to become smarter, but nothing has changed.

But, I have abundant trivial knowledge. I suppose the world is able to be 3D because of the differences. That’s why it is interesting.

So, Amazon. During its introduction and history in Part II,  the video talks about how the Third Party Sellers work. No matter the size of the business, you post your advertisements onto the retail websites to attract customers via Amazon’s vast network. The delivery is also done by Amazon, and anyone can sell anything.

You can get merchandise from China’s Alibaba, you can sell your own art or music, books, handmade goods, etc., and its category is “Handmade”. They can be distinguished by the FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) mark. The video also shows the successful business owner’s stories. On top of that, there’s a tool for researching the most popular items at the moment.

I sighed out loud when I learned this system. If van Gogh was living right now, maybe he did not have to live a life of 23 coffees and a bit of bread? His life was depicted as “failure” when he was alive. But when I think about his life, although I am filled with sadness, I don’t think that it was a “failure” at all.

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それでAmazonである。そのビデオのパートIIにAmazonの会社の概要と沿革を述べている部分があり、そこで「サードパーティーセラー」(Third party seller)の仕組みについて述べている。


売る品物は何でも構わない。中国のアリババ等から商品を仕入れて売るも良し、自分のアートや音楽、小説、手作り品(カテゴリー: Handmade)を売るも良い。FBAである(日本の場合は“フルフィルメント by Amazon”と検索ボックスに入れると詳細がでてきます)。そして成功者のエピソードを入れている。更には売れている商品のリサーチをしてくれるツールまで存在する。

(英語を読むのが苦痛でないならGoogleの英語サイトはそのビジネスの具体的な情報、例えば実際のやり方だとか分析、見通し等 が多いです。日本人で成功している方のプログラムがYoutubeにあります)

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でも ゴッホの人生を思うとき、悲しみには襲われるが私には「失敗」だとはちっとも思えないのである。